Monday, January 24, 2011

Brain stOrming.....

1.] Schools that adhere to the subject-centered approach make robots out of children.
        = On my part if the teachers just focuses on subject but not on learners, I can say that they can be a robots because the  teacher can't notice if his/her students understand what they wanted to teach...robots why?...because the teacher wants the student just to listen and follow what he/she says.Its important for us teachers not just to focus on one Curriculum design.

2.] In schools which embrace the child centered approach, discipline is weak.
        = Discipline is weak because the teacher just focuses on learners, they have to concentrate on different curriculum designs to make their teachings reliable to the students.

3.] Why should lessons revolve around problems? There are too many to be solved.
        = Maybe the lesson is related to the experiences of  the learners, so the teacher can have an idea. Once you have a problem you face it on your own and when you resolve it, you will never let it happen again because it gives you a lesson. Like in studying once you fail you will do your best to have a high grade.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is Philippine Education really deteriorating?

Based on my understanding, I have two perception on that. First No, because it depends on the learner if they want  to learn.They need a lot of time to spend in school.Like in elementary students they step on high school but they don't know how to read and write correctly.And Yes, our government now is under graft and corruption.The budget of education is used by the government officials for their own self interests.